I get an email each morning from The Universe and I wanted to share some of the emails that have meant something to me or just made me scratch my head.
Do you think, Michele, that if someone finally realized that their thoughts became the things and events of their life; began believing that they were truly unlimited; and started to grasp that divine intervention could be freely summoned by anyone to help make their dreams come true, they'd continue doing the same old things, living the same old life, and waiting for the same old miracles? Or would they begin thinking things they've never thought before, saying things they've never said before, and doing things they've never done before? Precisely. The Universe _____________________________ |
Not only is everyone beautiful in their own way, Michele, but everyone is beautiful to someone else as well.
Just a couple of little perks I built into your whole continuum-thingy.
Cool, huh?
The Universe
Just a couple of little perks I built into your whole continuum-thingy.
Cool, huh?
The Universe
On the one hand, I realize it must seem quite disconcerting when you see "bad things" happening to "good people," and "good things" happening to "bad people."
On the other, Michele, couldn't this be seen as proof that "thoughts becoming things" is an inviolate law? No matter who thinks what? That all are innately endowed with supernatural powers? That I pass no judgment? And that there is nothing you cannot have, do, or be if you can first think it?
Feeling better?
The Universe
On the other, Michele, couldn't this be seen as proof that "thoughts becoming things" is an inviolate law? No matter who thinks what? That all are innately endowed with supernatural powers? That I pass no judgment? And that there is nothing you cannot have, do, or be if you can first think it?
Feeling better?
The Universe
Picture if you will, Michele, the disciplinarian who micromanages every step in their very careful dance with life and then picture the hooligan whose only disciplines are daydreaming and showing up.
Now, whom do you think is most likely to be heard whoo-hoo'ing from the top of their lungs as they cruise along Rodeo Drive or some winding mountain road, top down, shades up, singing I Did It My Way?
The Universe
Now, whom do you think is most likely to be heard whoo-hoo'ing from the top of their lungs as they cruise along Rodeo Drive or some winding mountain road, top down, shades up, singing I Did It My Way?
The Universe
There is perhaps, no greater debilitating belief, Michele, than thinking there are
elements of your reality that you cannot control - be they fate, karma, the influence of other
people, your stars, your palm, your loves, your looks, your personality, your intelligence,
your sense of humor, or chocolate.
elements of your reality that you cannot control - be they fate, karma, the influence of other
people, your stars, your palm, your loves, your looks, your personality, your intelligence,
your sense of humor, or chocolate.
You simply decide everything, moment to moment.
Next decision please -
The Universe
Sometimes, being your true radiant self, living in the moment, glad for all you already have
and who you already are, Michele, isn't always easy.
Nope, such conditions create the precise moment in one's life when the floodgates of
physical abundance swing open the farthest, giving rise to that persistent, nagging "issue of the ages": where to put it all.
Really -
The Universe
Sometimes, being your true radiant self, living in the moment, glad for all you already have
and who you already are, Michele, isn't always easy.
Nope, such conditions create the precise moment in one's life when the floodgates of
physical abundance swing open the farthest, giving rise to that persistent, nagging "issue of the ages": where to put it all.
Really -
The Universe