Monday, December 5, 2011

Making it Through the Holidays

This is the time of year we all love all the candies, cookies, and loads of good food everyone bakes and shares during the holidays. Myself included. I love baking things I think my family, friends and neighbors would enjoy. Just before Thanksgiving my trainer asked me what I was doing for the holiday and I explained my family would be going out to eat. I didn't mind cooking my "usual" thanksgiving spread, but I didn't want the leftovers lingering around here. That's why we decided to go out to eat. We went over the foods I could eat. She said to start with a salad, and I could put anything I wanted on it. I ate LOTS of meat - mostly baked chicken and one small piece of ham and turkey. I did eat a spoonful of green beans, I skipped all starchy foods and desserts that I dearly love. On the way home, I realized I didn't miss not eating these foods. I stuck to my food plan and I came out ahead!

Our family is already planning what we will be doing for Christmas. We usually have our Christmas meal at my house. My selections for what I will be serving will be healthy choices and not a bunch of crap we don't need. I want to get through the holidays losing weight, not putting it on!

Now I say all this but I still plan on baking some cookies and some other calorie filled goodies. I am learning self control and that it's ok to have one or two. It's not ok to sit down with the plate of goodies and eat til its gone. I'm working too hard to get this weight off. I don't want to sabotage my efforts that I will deeply regret later on. Stay on course and set limits!


Karen said...

Good for you!!! My trainer asked me yesterday, "So, what exactly is our goal for December?" and I said, "At this point, just to maintain." LOL! It's tough - I think mostly because our routines change. But we are beasts!!!! Christmas beasts!!! LOL.

Michele said...

My Mom asked me this morning how my diet was coming along. I told her I'm watching what I eat, but until the holidays are over I'm just maintaining. After Christmas I'll hit it hard again. I made it through Thanksgiving not gaining any weight, I'm keeping my fingers crossed Christmas will be the same. That's my plan for now : )