Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Joined a Gym!!

I had two gym choices in mind and I couldn’t decide which one to join. They are both good gyms but Gym A is farther away. I called a friend of mine who does body building competitions and she belongs to my 2nd choice, Gym B.  So last week I decided to go by Gym B and check it out. Both gyms are 24 hours, they have new equipment and I spoke with the owner who also recommended at personal trainer. So I decided on Gym B and it’s a much closer drive than Gym A. I talked to my husband about it and he was onboard with me starting the membership earlier than I anticipated. As one of my Incentives, I said once I reached a 50 lb loss I would get a gym membership. So that’s ok, I made the rules, I can change them =) I signed up for a membership last Friday (September 30th) and I’m  all official now with my little 24 hour pass key!!

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